A Christmas Celebration was organized for the children at MSK Nagar

  • KEEN  |  
  • 6 Jan 2023  | 
  • Ann Mary
Children performing cultural programmes at the celebration

A Christmas Celebration was organized for the children attending tuition in Don Bosco Edu Center at MSK Nagar. Christmas games were conducted and the winners were given attractive prizes. The children exchanged Christmas gifts. They also performed various cultural programs such as dances and carol songs during the celebration. Christmas cake was also distributed among the children. The children enjoyed the entire event.

This Christmas will remain a memorable day in their minds as they were able to celebrate it with their friends in the most enjoyable way. A break from studies to celebrate Christmas encouraged them to be a part of the center and attracted many other children too.

Don Bosco Edu Center provides remedial Education for economically backward children at MSK Nagar. It is an initiative by Trivandrum Don Bosco Veedu Society for their upliftment. Children in the slums are deprived of quality education as they are discriminated against at school and need support to bridge their learning lags. Remedial Education is an effective tool to help them acquire quality education and understand the importance of education.

Quote: “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.”


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