JALAKAM – Camp for chil...

3-Day orientation camp for the children...

A 3-day camp was organized for the beneficiaries of MIRACLE during th...

Educational and Medical K...

Educational materials and Medical and Nutritional...

As part of school reopening, all the beneficiaries of the MIRACLE pro...

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Medical Camp and Awareness Programm...

"Wellness and Knowledge for a Healthier Tomorrow!"

A free medical camp and awareness session on drug abuse were successfully conducted


Empowering Women: Meeting Held at M...

"Stronger Together: Empowering Women, Transforming Lives!"

A meeting was conducted for women at MSK Nagar with the aim of engaging with them, i


Food Kits Distributed to Beneficiar...

"Healthy Lives, Nourished Futures "

Following a successful medical camp, food kits were distributed to beneficiaries at


Women’s Day at Don Bosco Veedu So...

"Don Bosco Veedu Society hosts an inspiring event with sessions...

Don Bosco Veedu Society celebrated International Women’s Day at Karimadom with gre


Free Homeopathic Medical Camp Condu...

“Reaching the unreachable: Health, hope and healing for all” March...

Don Bosco Veedu Society, in association with Sri Vidyadhiraja Homeopathic Medical Co