Railway Childline conducted a training programme for the TTEs (Travelling Ticket Examiner) on October 26, 2022, at TTE Lobby, TVC. The training was conducted in two sessions led by RCHD Coordinator Mrs. Zeena Sunil. Each session was about Revised SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and Childline. The training was given to 15 TTE’s including both sessions. The TTEs of Janasadabdi Express, Chennai Express and Kerala Express attended the sessions.
The programme aimed to identify the children in need of help and how to approach them while the TTEs are on the train. TTEs are always on the train as a part of their duties and hence, they can easily identify the children on the train that are in trouble and need of care and protection.
Handbooks which describe the roles and responsibilities of TTE as per the Revised SOP and brochures were distributed to them. As the TTEs have great exposure in the Railways this training will have a great impact.
After the sessions, the TTEs shared their experience and expressed gratitude towards the programme coordinators. Finally, a direct TTE long-term training program was implemented by RCHD.
Railway Childline is an active and effective part of Childline. The outreach programs of the project mainly focused on child protection and providing awareness about Childline and its activities.