Title: The Edutained Choir: Trial by Fire at SPARK 2K24 Picnic Day

A Day of Fun and Learning for Children

  • KEEN  |  
  • 18 May 2024  | 
  • Rony Thomas
Journey awaits: Unforgettable Outing With Spark 2024 campers

The much-anticipated PICNIC DAY of SPARK 2K24 camp dawned amidst the joyful laughter of children, creating an atmosphere brimming with excitement. Held at St. Philomena’s Girls High School, Poonthura, Thiruvananthapuram on April 27, 2024, the event unfolded under the expansive grounds managed by the Canossian Daughters of Charity.
Under the guidance of Father Saji, Director of Don Bosco Veedu, Mr. Rony Thomas, Camp Coordinator, Dn. Feric, Camp Chief, and Brother Arun, along with dedicated interns Lekshmi.M.Nair, Raichel Saji, Sri Parvathy Unnikrishnan, Neethu Maria Abraham, and Aleena Madhuraj, the day was set to blend entertainment with education, encapsulating the essence of an edutainment camp.
The day commenced with a cooking session led by intern Neethu, featuring a unique challenge titled “Bake without fire”. Children were provided with necessary ingredients and instructions to prepare dishes such as veggie sandwiches and oreo swiss rolls without the use of fire or gas. The competition witnessed enthusiastic participation, with team Phoenix emerging victorious, showcasing creativity and culinary skills.
Following the culinary adventure, the thrilling treasure hunt captivated the children’s imagination. Mentored by interns Sri Parvathy, Neethu, and Lekshmi, teams were tasked with deciphering clues and completing challenges across three different locations. The hunt culminated in an exhilarating discovery by Nithin of the Eagles team, igniting cheers and applause among the participants.
After a satisfying lunch break, a practice session led by intern Raichel paved the way for a series of engaging games facilitated by Dn. Feric, Brother Arun, Mr. Rony Thomas, and intern Neethu. Team Phoenix showcased exceptional teamwork and emerged as the overall leaders, adding to the day’s excitement and camaraderie.
As the day drew to a close, refreshments were served, and a group picture captured the spirit of unity and enthusiasm that permeated every moment of the picnic. The unwavering zeal and energy exhibited by the children throughout the day served as a testament to the success and purposefulness of the event, leaving lasting memories and invaluable lessons for all involved.


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