Spark – summer camp for slum children

A 10-day camp was for the children of Karimadom Colony, Thriruvananthapuram

  • KEEN  |  
  • 25 Jul 2022  | 
  • Abhijith
Children of SPARK camp along with Don Bosco Veedu Staff members

A 10-day summer camp called SPARK was organised for the children from Karimadom. The camp included various educational and recreational activities for the children. The camp organisers were Mr Shiva Prasad, Mr Askar and Br. Rubin, Ms. Najima, Mrs. Haseena and Mrs. Amala. The children were also taken for an excursion to an amusement park. 

The camp is the most awaited time of the year for the children at Karimadom. SPARK was a huge success, and the children enjoyed it a lot. They could acquire new learnings, basic etiquette and mannerisms and build good friendships.

KEEN is a project by Don Bosco Veedu, Thiruvananthapuram which has been benefitting the Karimadom community since 2018. Under the project, a tuition programme and other sessions are organised for the children at Karimadom.


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