KISMAT Kottayam celebrated Onam in association with KSACS (Kerala State AIDS Control Society) & Asset Homes at their worksite in Madhavanpady, Kottayam.

  • KISMAT  |  
  • 7 Sep 2023  | 
  • John Sumit Jose
The entire team of this programme is posing for a picture.

On the special occasion of Onam, MHD Kottayam in association with KSACS (Kerala State AIDS Control Society) and Asset Homes celebrated Onam along with the interstate migrants working in their worksite at Madhavanpady, Kottayam. The programme began with an introductory speech by MHD Kottayam informing the migrants the purpose of conducting this programme was to promote cultural integration between both communities. Following this, the migrants along with the team prepared the design and completed Pookalam.

The programme was officially inaugurated by Smt. Praseeda BK, District TB Officer, Kottayam. She addressed the migrant’s explaining the backdrop history on why Onam is celebrated in Kerala in short. She also tied Rakhi as part of observing Raksha Bandhan to the migrants present there during the inauguration time. This way, she promoted cultural integration between both communities by celebrating both festivals on the same day. Later, Onam Sadhya was served to the 70 migrants present for the programme by the team. In the end, a Vadam Vali competition was organized for the migrants. Two teams gathered on the field and one of them won a bunch of Bananas as prize money for this competition.


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