International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Thiruvananthapuram Railway CHILDLINE conducted International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking at Chackai ITI, Thiruvananthapuram

  • Childline  |  
  • 30 Jun 2023  | 
  • Zeena Sunil
The “OPPAM” team took a group photo with Fr. Dominic, Mr. Manuel George, Mr. Anil Kumar and Mr. Baiju at Govt. Chackai ITI, Thiruvananthapuram

Railway CHILDLINE Thiruvananthapuram organized “ഒപ്പം” Campaign in collaboration with the Don Bosco Veedu Society, DREAM, AWAKE and CHILDLINE Project in honor of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2023. Mr. Manuel George (Program Manager, Don Bosco Veedu Society) welcomed all those who gathered. The organized skit was carried on by the AWAKE Project – Women Empowerment Team in MSK. The skit accentuated the importance of the day.  The Presidential Address was delivered by Rev Fr. Dominic Kaniyantharayil SDB (Asst. Director, Don Bosco Veedu), who talked about the much needed awareness that should be provided to students on the topics of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Deepak Dhanker IPS (Assistant Superintendent of Police) by lighting the lamp and addressing the students with a PPT presentation on drug abuse and illicit trafficking, which was enlightening to the audience. A photo story titled “കെണി” which was an initiative of the Railway CHILDLINE, was released by Mr. Deepak Dhanker IPS (Assistant Superintendent of Police), and spoke of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The photo story was relevant to the day observance and gave a message to the society.  The felicitation was expressed by Mr. Anil Kumar (Senior Instructor and Staff Secretary, Chackai ITI). A quiz competition was conducted by the DREAM team for students, and focused on drug use among youngsters. An exhibition was also held, with the aim of raising awareness on drug abuse and other atrocities that prevail in the society today, in a manner which could allow easy comprehension of the matter by viewers. An Anti drug pledge was taken by the students and the OPPAM team. The momentous program concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Mr. Baiju C (Trainees Counselor, Chackai ITI).  Many students and faculty participated and contributed in making the event prolific.

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26th June every year to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving a world free of drug abuse. The aim of this year’s campaign is to raise awareness about the importance of treating people who use drugs with respect and empathy; providing evidence-based, voluntary services for all; offering alternatives to punishment; prioritizing prevention; and leading with compassion. The campaign also aims to combat stigma and discrimination against people who use drugs by promoting language and attitudes that are respectful and non-judgmental.

Railway Childline is an active and effective part of Childline. The outreach programs of the project mainly focused on child protection and providing awareness about Childline and its activities.


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