“Christmas Brings Joy and Unity: Don Bosco Veedu Society Celebrates DHIVYATHARAM-2023 with Sakshalkara Begerry Rehabilitation Centre”

"A Day of Harmony and Happiness, Blessings Shared with Smiles"*

  • Shelter  |  
  • 14 Jan 2024  | 
  • Akhil Devasia
Mr. Cleness Rassario, Chairman of the Welfare Committee Trivandrum, alongside Don Bosco Fathers, staff, and children, spreading Christmas cheer through songs and dance at Sakshalkara Begerry Rehabilitation Centre.

In a heartening celebration, Don Bosco Veedu Society illuminated the Christmas spirit as they joined hands with Sakshalkara Begerry Rehabilitation Centre for the festive DHIVYATHARAM-2023. The event, graced by the presence of Mr. Cleness Rassario, Chairman of the Welfare Committee Trivandrum, along with Don Bosco Fathers, staff, and children, became a beacon of joy and unity.

The air resonated with songs and dance performed by the talented Don Bosco Veedu staff and interns, infusing the day with vibrant colors of celebration. The true essence of Christmas unfolded at Sakshalkara as the festivities brought genuine happiness and joy to the inmates, creating a memorable day of shared blessings and smiles.

The event not only marked the spirit of the season but also showcased the power of community and compassion in spreading love during the festive season. The unity of Don Bosco Veedu Society and Sakshalkara Begerry Rehabilitation Centre exemplified the true meaning of Christmas—bringing warmth, happiness, and a sense of togetherness to all involved.


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