National service scheme primarily focus to create a socially committed youth which works
with the motto, Not me But You. DREAM Trivandrum was invited to took an awareness
session on the effects of drugs and addiction among youth at the seven days NSS Residential
camp, Dhyuthi of Little Flowe Nursing college monvila. The program was conducted on 13 th
January 2023, where the 27 NSS Volunteers attended the session
DREAM mainly focus on the target group of children and youth. Thus as part of extending
the activities of the project to the target group, DREAM Trivandrum conducted the program.
The project coordinator, Ms Neha Joseph and the Counsellor, Ms Anooja R took the session.
DREAM (Drug Rehabilitation Education And Mentoring) is the project initiated by Don
Bosco Veedu Society and Bangalore Rural Education and Development Society focus to
reduce the prevalence of drugs among the school and college students by creating awareness,
providing counselling services and de addiction services among them.