Karimadom Education and Empowerment Network (slum Development)

Women empowerment, small scale income-generating projects, tuition for children, educational assistance.

This project is being implemented in Karimadom, an urban slum in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. The majority of the people are headload workers in the marketplace, and the needs of their children are often unattended. Male heads of the family often shirk responsibility, and women look after households. Children and youth are prone to the drug menace. The KEEN initiative is a tool to empower the residents of Karimadom to be socially, psychologically, and economically independent and reach sustainability.

Target Croup Beneficiaries Activities
1. Children 100 children supported with free evening tuitions and school materials.
  • Free Evening Tuitions
  • ‘Motivational programs
2. Women 200 women are being supported through skill training and livelihood promotion programmes.
  • Entrepreneurship Development Program
  • Motivational Camps
  • Leadership trainings
  • Matching Grants for Women Entrepreneurs
3. Youth 100 youth are selected, and provided motivation and counseling.
  • Motivational camps
  • Individual Counseling
4. Men 100 men are selected, and provided interpersonal skills
  • Motivational Camps



Medical Camp and Awareness Programm...

"Wellness and Knowledge for a Healthier Tomorrow!"

A free medical camp and awareness session on drug abuse were successfully conducted


Empowering Women: Meeting Held at M...

"Stronger Together: Empowering Women, Transforming Lives!"

A meeting was conducted for women at MSK Nagar with the aim of engaging with them, i


Food Kits Distributed to Beneficiar...

"Healthy Lives, Nourished Futures "

Following a successful medical camp, food kits were distributed to beneficiaries at