"The journey with the Don Bosco Veedu Society was very helpful in practicing social work methods and interventions in the practical world. It was a great experience to work with children of diverse effects. The internship days was fruitful in terms of learning and practicing social work education"
"The experiences and opportunity that is given by the Donbasco veedu, helping me to mold my personality and helps to know my strength and weakness to handle the society and teach me to show humanity towards others"
"The experiences and opportunity that is given by the Donbasco veedu, helping me to mold my personality and helps to know my strength and weakness to handle the society and teach me to show humanity towards others"
"The experiences and opportunity that is given by the Donbasco veedu, helping me to mold my personality and helps to know my strength and weakness to handle the society and teach me to show humanity towards others"