CHILDLINE Thiruvananthapuram conducted two outreach awareness at Gandhi park, West Fort, Ramachandra Street, Over Bridge, Power house jn. Thycadu, Thycadu hospital, Mettukada, Kannetumukku. The public were made aware of the different services of the CHILDLINE. The core of the session was focussed on the different areas where the rights of the children are violated. The resource persons shed light on child labour and child begging, physical and emotional abuse against children. Another ingredient of the outreach awareness was popularizing the child helpline and police emergency helpline number among the general public. Throughout the sessions, the people remained attentive and few people came up with sharp observations and queries concerning the child rights. Interacted with Police official who were on duty at Gandhi Park, they asked about some of their doubt related to case intervention and the childline team provide the details about case intervention process.
Day 2 – CHILDLINE trivandrum team members on Outreach duty