
Right to Education Act (RTE) ensures free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14. Though praised for the literacy percentage, the admission, attendance rate, and performance of several students from economically challenged families is a concern in Kerala. Don Bosco Veedu has several programmes to support the children whose primary caregivers find it hard to care for their wards with proper education or educational supplies. Have run several programmes to counter the educational deficiencies faced by the poor. They include:

Tuition Centres in Karimadom Colony

Evening study centres and tuition are managed by the women of the locality. The children are also supplied with study materials, motivational classes, and opportunities to improve their talents and soft skills.

CATALYSE systems through active advocacy

Respecting the right to education Don Bosco is committed to helping disadvantaged children realize their full potential. 30 students are supported with school fees, study materials, camps, intensive training programmes, residential classes, and workshops


Creating opportunities to excel IMPACT provides free Entrance Coaching to the Financially challenged students from Thiruvananthapuram. 30 students benefit from this programme. They are given free entrance coaching to face competitive exams. They are also given language classes, leadership training programmes, and motivational classes periodically. A mentor follows up on the performance of each student.

Don Bosco Nivas

Don Bosco Nivas is a temporary shelter home. During their stay with us, the school-going children followed up to make sure that they didn’t miss the lessons taught in the school. Those that are not school-going are usefully engaged by providing opportunities to pick up some skills. For example, all the children engage in painting, crafting, bottle painting, and the like.


Children who cannot be sent home for specific reasons are sent to boarding to complete their studies. These students are entirely taken care of by the institutions. During holidays these children return to Don Bosco to spend their vacation.


Don Bosco Veedu support several students with educational scholarship. These children are followed up and motivated in their education.


Medical Camp and Awareness Programm...

"Wellness and Knowledge for a Healthier Tomorrow!"

A free medical camp and awareness session on drug abuse were successfully conducted ...

Empowering Women: Meeting Held at M...

"Stronger Together: Empowering Women, Transforming Lives!"

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Food Kits Distributed to Beneficiar...

"Healthy Lives, Nourished Futures "

Following a successful medical camp, food kits were distributed to beneficiaries at ...

Women’s Day at Don Bosco Veedu So...

"Don Bosco Veedu Society hosts an inspiring event with sessions...

Don Bosco Veedu Society celebrated International Women’s Day at Karimadom with gre...

Free Homeopathic Medical Camp Condu...

“Reaching the unreachable: Health, hope and healing for all” March...

Don Bosco Veedu Society, in association with Sri Vidyadhiraja Homeopathic Medical Co...